of Focus - A Short Introduction by Christopher John Ball
the camera lens is focused on an object there is one position where
the image is sharpest. The sharpness falls off as the film is moved
away from this position of exact focus. There is a certain range of
focusing movement within which it is not possible for the human eye
to detect a difference between what is actually sharp and a very slightly
blurred, or soft, image. In photography this is called depth of focus.
of focus increases as the aperture gets smaller. As the subject
is brought nearer to the camera, or you use a longer focal length
lens, the depth of focus increases. This is the exact opposite of
what happens with depth of field. As can be seen from the diagram
below, depth of focus increases for close subjects because the '
cone ' of light rays coming from the lens is longer and more pointed,
i.e. looks sharper to the eye.
to be confused with depth of field. The difference being that depth
of field is the range that the subject can be moved and still be in
apparent focus. As explained above, depth of focus being the range
that the film can be moved within the film plane and still appear
depth of field, depth of focus extends both in front of the film and
behind. The major difference being is that with depth of focus this
is equally split 50/50 and not 33.33/66.66.
advantages of depth of focus are mainly geared towards larger format
camera's. This is because the 35mm camera utilises shorter focal
length lens and requires a smaller acceptable circle of confusion.
Therefore the lens has to be more precisely placed, relative to
the film plane, than a larger format camera.
of focus becomes useful with larger format camera's because it allows
for a greater use of ' camera movements ' - such as rise and fall,
swing etc.
of focus is useful in photographic printing as well as in image making.
When you stop down the enlarger lens you are increasing depth of focus.
This can be used to cancel out any enlarger focusing errors due to
the negative ' popping ' , because of the heat of the enlarger bulb,
during printing.
July 2024 Several books, featuring Christopher John Ball's photographs, are now available through Amazon or click on an image below to purchase via secure payments on
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